How The Game Works

Over the course of a few weeks, houseguests will compete for power, safety, and rewards. Here are the rules if you are interested in possibly playing in a season of Big Brother Fiction:


Pre-Game Requirements:

– A phone/iPad/tablet/computer that has access to Twitter

– A Twitter account = This will be used throughout the season


How Does The Game Work?

Just like in Big Brother, there will be competitions to win Head of Household and Power of Veto. There will be two nominations a week, made by the HOH. Six players, including the HOH and nominees, will compete for the Veto. The Veto winner will have the chance to save one of the nominees. After the veto ceremony there will be an eviction vote made by the houseguests that are neither HOH or nominated. This will continue until we have a final two. At this point, a jury of previously evicted houseguests will vote for a winner.


Can I Communicate With Other Houseguests?

This is a 24/7 social game, which means you are freely allowed to contact them via Twitter or other social media (if you wish).


How Do The Competitions Work?

Since this will be done virtually, all competitions will either be quizzes, screenshot of your score in a game, or a chat room endurance.

All games will be explained a few hours before they begin. Houseguests will be given 2 competition passes to last throughout the season. If for some reason a houseguest cannot play in a comp they are required to, then they may use one of their competition passes. However, once the two passes are used up, any missed competitions will result in a penalty nomination.

All games will have a maximum 8 hour grace period. Houseguests will be able to play within 8 hours of the start of the comp. Once the 8 hours are up, only those who have submitted their answers or screens-shotted scores will be eligible to win.


Will There Be Diary Room Sessions?

Yes! However, these Diary Room confessionals will be made via a private Direct Message on Twitter or an email to

These Diary Rooms are not only meant to keep us (production) in the loop on gameplay, but also will act as an attendance record. All houseguests MUST send a Diary Room confessional at least once every 48 hours. Houseguests are allowed to make as many confessionals as they like.


What Do I Get If I Win The Game?

Unfortunately, there will be no actual prize (i.e. money, medal, award), but you will get the title of being a BB Fiction winner and get first offer to play in any All-Stars or returning vet(s) seasons.


How Do I Apply?

Simply head on over to the “Apply Now” page and fill out the questions provided. Once that is done, email it to We will look over your application and will let you know as soon as the final cast has been selected, whether you made it or not.


Remember this is a brand new virtual game, so there will most likely be things that have to be modified. Overall, our goal is to have fun while enjoying the game we love. So, if this interests you at all, feel free to submit an application today! 

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